Do you want to show your talent in the world?
If you play an instrument or sing, this is your chance! For a long time, the pending subject in all the Conservatories of Music, has been and is to instruct the students in their professional career as a musician.
Contact us if you want to be part of this great team!
How to get concerts? As a rule, teachers never explain to their students what to do to get concerts, open an international market or make recordings.
Why practice for 8 hours a day if you do not give concerts afterwards? Can you imagine studying 8 hours a day of English, and then not talking to anyone in that language? Music is the international language par excellence, and we all need you to talk to us about music and your talent.
It is not fair that after all the sacrifice you have made throughout your life to become a Great Musician and Artist now you feel disappointed and frustrated, seeing how others achieve success while you do not get results and your career Professional slowly goes off ...
To break this injustice once and for all
We can offer you different musical performances, Management of concerts, creation of personalized artistic proposals for each artist, dossier and sending to concert presenters, opera companies and other performing arts organizations that attract concert artists. And finalize concert tours.
We also offer and support the production of recordings, recorded in Baja California and printed in the United States, Mastering and Mixing in Europe or Baja California (depending on availability). As well as creating an official website for the artist.
The marketing staff of Omar Gutierrez & Partners © connects with presenters who book talent throughout Mexico and the world every month to offer highly personalized marketing that focuses on getting the consideration presenters need so much. When the interest is expressed, our managers take control and work to establish a relationship between the presenter or institution and the agency until they can schedule dates for presentations and concerts as well as radio and television presentations.